
Hey! I'm Belle!


Welcome to my blog! I am a mom of 3 kids + 2 dogs! I LOVE making memories with my family & documenting each and every special moment with them. I am also a family & commercial photographer based in Virginia. I hope you enjoy these resources & past sessions that I've been sharing.

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Studio Milestone Photo For 6 Month Baby

LIfe With Belle

July 17, 2019


My Princess,

I didn’t think this day would come so soon. The day you turned 5. The day you’re officially a big girl. As I look at you, I still see my baby. Yes, you have grown so much since you were born 5 years ago, 23.25 inches to be exact. But even though you look so grown up now, in my eyes, you will always be my baby girl. The baby girl who wanted nothing else but Mommy to hold her.

From the very beginning, you made things easy for me and your daddy. You came into the world a day late. The contractions started in the wee hours of morning. But for some reason, we managed to have breakfast before heading to the hospital. The pain waiting for your arrival was something I had never imagined in my life. 5 hours later, in my arms, I held the most beautiful baby girl in the world. And just like that, I forgot about all the pain I had gone through while waiting for you. You were everything I prayed for and more.

In a few weeks, you’ll be in Kindergarten. Attending the big girl school that we’ve always talked about. I can’t tell you how excited I am for all the adventures you are about to embark upon. All the fun new things you’ll get to explore. All the new people you are about to meet. But along with that excitement, also comes fear. Fear that I might not be able to protect you for all the harm that may come your way.

You see, baby girl, although the world is filled with wonderful things; it is also plagued with bad things and bad people. People are going to be cruel. They are going to break your heart and trust. But always know that for every heart break you have, my heart breaks even more. I am always here ready to comfort you when you need me, even if you tell me you don’t. And when the time comes I am no longer with you, look inside your heart. I am still there. ALL. THE. TIME.

Unpleasant things are going to make you question your faith. Things are going to get hard. You will be shaken to your core. But I hope that you don’t let these things dull your shine. Overcome the unfortunate events with a wiser you. Use those experiences to grow and come out of them stronger. Inevitably, you will stumble and fall. And that’s absolutely okay. Just get up and try again until you succeed.

Live your life to the fullest. Embrace change. Be kind. Be humble. Keep your smile bright. When things start to hurt, smile even brighter. Never stop learning & exploring. Be grateful. Appreciate all the little things in life. Value friendship. Laugh like there’s no tomorrow. Be strong. Be brave. Be hopeful. Keep your faith strong. Stay true to your values. Always keep your family first. Love like you’ve never had your heart broken.

Stay true to yourself. Love yourself. Don’t ever believe them when they tell you that you are not enough or you don’t matter.  YOU. ARE. ALWAYS. ENOUGH!!! YOU. UNFAILINGLY. MATTER!!! Your family is always here ready to welcome you with open arms. We will listen. We will not judge. We will accept you and love you no matter who you decide to be. Never forget that!!!

When it’s tough for you to understand everything that’s happening, trust everything to God. Everything happens for a reason. You may not understand it, but He has a plan. Everything will fall into its proper place at the right time.

Here’s to the new milestone you have unlocked! I wish you nothing but the best things in life.

The past 5 years have been nothing but phenomenal. Thank you for filling our lives with joy, love, and wonderful memories!

Happy 5th Birthday, princess! Cheers to many more!

5-year-old girl twirling, taken in Reston, Virginia by a children's photographer in Northern Virginia

close up shot of a 5-year-old girl smiling for the camera, taken in Reston, Virginia by a Virginia children's photographer

Love always,

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