Graduating college is a huge accomplishment. Celebrating it with your friends, the people who have been like family to you throughout your college years, is definitely the way to celebrate it. Today, I’m sharing a senior session that I did one spring morning with a group of 10 beautiful ladies.
As a Northern Virginia senior photographer, doing a senior session in the city is a nice break from all the nature photos I normally do. I had the best time photographing this group of friends in Washington, DC one April morning. There was a lot of laughter and cheering each other during their senior session, naturally. And that’s one of the reasons why I love doing group senior photos; because everyone is just so relaxed which is very important to get those beautiful senior portraits. It was actually a pretty chilly morning but they rocked their session wearing the pretty dresses they chose like it’s summer. Hats off to them!!!
They originally wanted to have some photos with the Lincoln Memorial but with the ongoing construction and all the scaffolding, they settled for having photos at the surrounding area of Lincoln Memorial. But I always go the extra mile to make my clients happy, so when I arrived at the location and saw there is that one angle that could work to give them what they want, I had to.

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‘Til next time,