It was so wonderful to meet this family who, coincidentally, are relatives of previous clients of mine! C, the dad, is the brother of a past client who did her maternity session with me as well as two newborn sessions. I love when I get to photograph multiple clients from the same family! When we captured these Reston, Virginia at home newborn photos, Baby Q was three weeks old. This session was so relaxed and fun…
This senior session in Reston, Virginia was done last November when weather was so cold and windy, considering it was just fall! The last time I did an urban senior session at this location, I remember it being very windy as well. Kaleigh picked out some really cute outfits for the session…
2021 sure was a roller coaster ride. There were a lot of highs like Baby R turning 1; launching the TBP Client Closet; meeting tons of new clients & seeing past clients again; being nationally & internationally published as a senior photographer; and 2021 being the busiest & most successful year for TuBelle Photography yet.