My session with this beautiful family at Bon Air Park 2 weekends ago was nothing short of amazing! This charming park in Arlington, Virginia, although small, has a lot of picturesque spots. And I love the pops of color the beautiful blooms, in the rose garden, added to our family session.
A is such a sweet baby!!! He was teething when we had our session but he did fantastic the entire time; he didn’t fuss, even for a bit. I love watching H & T interact with each other & with A, the love they feel towards each other & A, and the joy they have inside of them… those feelings just overflow. And you can see it right through them. They sent me back to those days when my kids were this little and I spent most of my days smelling their breath & just watching them.
H & T – Thank you for letting me capture and preserve this special moments of your lives. It was truly an honor taking your first official family photos. I had a great time during our session & chatting about parenting stuff and where to get Lumpia. I hope you get to try the place that I recommended and like it. 🙂 I am so excited to watch A grow! Wishing you two lots of good night sleep & rest!!! 🙂

‘Til next time,