One of our family traditions is to take the kids where they want to go (as long as we can afford it) on their birthday. So on the weeks leading up to my son’s 4th birthday, he told us that he wanted to go to the zoo which wasn’t a surprise at all since he loves animals. So on his birthday weekend, my husband and I decided to do a family trip to Virginia Beach.
On our first day in Virginia Beach, we went to Virginia Zoo in Norfolk, Virginia where we got to see a lot of animals like African Lion, White Rhinoceros, Aldabra Tortoise, Masai Giraffe, Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra, Malayan Tapir, Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Crocodile, and different reptiles. We were able to take a stroll in their Australian Walkabout exhibit and got up close with some of Australia’s coolest animals. The kids also got to brush some goats which I think was the highlight of their day. We then went to our hotel to rest for a little bit before we went to Jollibee, a Filipino fast food chain which is very famous in the Philippines, to have dinner.
The next day, which is my son’s actual birthday, we had birthday cake after breakfast and he opened his presents. The kids played for a little bit at our hotel room with my son’s new toys before we went to Virginia Aquarium & Marine Center. There, we got to see Green Sea Turtle, Sand Tiger Shark, Komodo Dragon, Tomistoma, and got to pet a Sting Ray. We left the aquarium shortly after we had lunch and surprised the kids with an impromptu beach trip.
Without swimsuits & tent, and only sand toys & change of clothes, the kids had a blast at the beach. They played in the sand, enjoyed the waves, ran around and pour water into each other. We stayed their for a couple of hours, went to the nearest McDonald’s to enjoy a sundae cone. Then we went back to our hotel to shower and prepared for dinner.
We went to Leone’s for my son’s birthday dinner. The food was amazing!!! We capped our night off with another birthday song and a slice of Cannoli Cheesecake!
I’m not going to lie, I get really exhausted during these trips, especially after going home and having to unpack and do the laundry. But seeing the smiles on their faces & hearing them laugh during our trip, hearing my son say “This is the best trip ever!!!”, & the family memories we made, make it all worth it. I can’t wait for our next family trip!

‘Til next time,