Hey! I'm Belle!


Welcome to my blog! I am a mom of 3 kids + 2 dogs! I LOVE making memories with my family & documenting each and every special moment with them. I am also a family & commercial photographer based in Virginia. I hope you enjoy these resources & past sessions that I've been sharing.

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LIfe With Belle
Woman writing with a text Open Letter to My First Child As She Turns 10

My princess,

Wow! What a big number. Today, you turn 10. That’s a decade of wonderful years of watching you fall, learn, love, and grow into the sweet little lady that you are today. I have watched you grow from an extremely shy girl who only had 2 friends for years to a confident little lady with a group of close friends. I’m glad you found your people. I used to worry that you will be alone because you never want to approach anyone to make friends with. I remember our conversation when you told me there’s this girl in your class that you wanted to be friends with; and we strategized on little things you can do every day to be friends with her without actually asking her to be friends with you. I now know that you are more capable than I think and you can take care of yourself.

"God knew I needed you in my life; so He gave me you. Someone who not only looks like me, but also acts like me. Most days it's funny, but some days it's annoying because it's like dealing with myself. Haha! Nevertheless, I thank God every single day for you." - excerpt from Open Letter To My First Child As She Turns 10, written by TuBelle Photography, a Northern Virginia family photographer

It has been 10 beautiful years of loving you. Since you were born, I have failed continuously as your mom; but you have constantly forgiven me without even thinking twice and have loved me unconditionally through all my faults. You have helped me learn and grow into the mother that I am today. God knew I needed you in my life; so He gave me you. Someone who not only looks like me, but also acts like me. Most day it’s funny, but some days it’s annoying because it’s like dealing with myself. Haha! Nevertheless, I thank God every single day for you… you, your brothers, and your dad.

It has been 10 amazing years of making memories with you. Ever since you can remember, we’ve been besties. We’ve done & shared everything together… our matching nails, our love for food & Harry Potter, our little snuggles while we watch as a family, the times we’d stay up late just so we can talk about anything, just you & me, and so many more. Oh these are precious memories.

While I’m excited to see all the adventures you’re about to take, my heart is silently breaking because you are now 10, a double digit. One of the biggest milestones in your life. Big changes are about to happen… to you, my sweet girl.

Soon enough you will be annoyed when it’s family time; but I hope you remember that family time used to be the highlight of your day. That on some nights, I would extend your bedtime, even on school nights, just so we can spend some time doing whatever as a family before you go to bed.

"Soon enough you will be upset with everything I will say or do; but I hope you remember that I used to be your favorite person in the world. That a hug from me used to make everything alright." - excerpt from Open Letter To My First Child As She Turns 10, written by TuBelle Photography, a Northern Virginia family photographer

Soon enough you will be upset with everything I will say or do; but I hope you remember that I used to be your favorite person in the world. That a hug from me used to make everything alright. Do you remember when we would sleep in on weekends and just lay in bed hugging each other for hours? Those are my favorite weekend mornings.

Soon enough you will want to be with your friends all the time and you will want not want to hang out with your family anymore; but I hope you remember that laughter used to fill our house because we did all kinds of silly & fun things together. The kind of laugh that would make us cry. Those were the best times. And I wish we have more of those as you grow older.

You will be confused; you will be scared. You will feel a million emotions all at once. When it becomes overwhelming, I hope you know that I am always here for you. 

You will be lost; you will question your very existence. When this happens, I will help you find all the answers you need. Please know that when you get hurt, you can always turn to me. While I cannot magically erase the pain away, I will try my best help you heal.

"I can only wish that amidst all these, you will not forget who you really are. Whoever that might be. You are so loved, you are special, you are beautiful, and so much more. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise." - excerpt from Open Letter To My First Child As She Turns 10, written by TuBelle Photography, a Northern Virginia family photographer

I can only wish that amidst all these, you will not forget who you really are. Whoever that might be. You are so loved, you are special, you are beautiful, and so much more. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. And always remember, there is nothing in the world that can make me love you any less. NOTHING. If my love for you changes, it only grows more. But it can never be less. NEVER.

Your brothers, daddy, and I love you so much!!!

Love always,


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Open Letter To My Last Baby As He Turns 1

A Letter To My Kindergartener

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To keep tabs on what I’m working on, don’t forget to follow me on FacebookInstagram and Pinterest.

‘Til next time,


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