Hey! I'm Belle!


Welcome to my blog! I am a mom of 3 kids + 2 dogs! I LOVE making memories with my family & documenting each and every special moment with them. I am also a family & commercial photographer based in Virginia. I hope you enjoy these resources & past sessions that I've been sharing.

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LIfe With Belle

Last December, I shared on Instagram that we are expecting our third baby!

When we first found out that we are expecting our baby number 3, I was in disbelief!!! Because just a month ago, I was pretty sure I was pregnant. I had all the signs (all the symptoms I had when I was pregnant with my 2 kids), but I WASN’T. And I was really disappointed.  And this time around, I never had any symptoms at all!!! Except a missed period.

It was Friday afternoon, after I came home from work, something told me to take the test. All I had were those pregnancy test papers, I took my chance. It came back positive. I didn’t believe it. “These pregnancy test papers are probably not as reliable as the store-bought ones.” I asked my husband to get me those really good pregnancy test kits from the store.

As soon as I woke up the next morning, I took the test again using the store-bought pregnancy test kit. It came back positive again. I was shocked! I still didn’t believe it. Or at least I didn’t want to believe it until my doctor confirms it. I didn’t want to get my hopes up only to find out I wasn’t. It was the longest weekend of my life so far.

Monday morning came, I went to my doctor. And the next day, they got the results of my lab work. They confirmed – I AM INDEED PREGNANT!!!

That’s when I believed it!!! This is it!!! God has answered my prayers once again!!!

pregnancy announcement for third baby - northern virginia maternity photographer

Now, let me share the highlights of my first trimester:

— Nausea, bloating, and headache have constantly accompanied me all throughout the first trimester.

— On top of these, I was always exhausted and didn’t have the energy to do anything. Which is why I wasn’t able to do fun activities with my kids last Christmas.

— The kids are pretty excited to meet the newest addition to our family. They would always ask me if the baby is about to be born yet.

— They talk to the baby every morning and would ask the baby not to make me nauseous, make me tired, or make my head hurts. And then they’d get upset in the afternoon after they find out the baby didn’t listen.

— They think the baby is a girl (because I am a girl) and refers to the baby as “she” and “her” ALL THE TIME. Of course we’ve told them multiple times that the baby might be a boy. They didn’t want to believe us.

— We are definitely finding out the gender.

— I already have a nickname & 1 name (our kids have 2 first names) picked out for a baby girl. Still trying to decide on a boy’s name, there’s a lot I like.

— I hate my favorite food! You know, the fried chicken & coke that never failed me? Well, they both have failed me now. They both taste ridiculous & make me nauseous!

— Eating anything oily makes me nauseous!

— Any white sauce pasta that I used to love makes me nauseous too!

— I love gala apples & anything salty!

— Planning our weekly menu has definitely been a challenge for me because the things I used to like make me nauseous just thinking of them.

— I got a diaper bag & changing pad for Christmas! There’s still a lot more to get!!!

In a few months, our life is about to get crazier! But we couldn’t be any more excited to meet this little one!

‘Til next time,


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