I know it sounds like a cliche, but believe me when I say that it truly feels like yesterday when we found out we are expecting our third baby. But now, here we are towards the end of my pregnancy. Realizing that I will be giving birth soon has been bittersweet. It has forced me to spend more time with the kids because I know my focus on them will be shifted once the baby is born.
As I write this, I am 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant; and this will be the last day that I have a baby inside my belly (I hope the baby cooperates). I will be induced tomorrow. When I woke up this morning, I took a long look at my 2 kids sleeping peacefully in my bed and I realized they have no idea that their lives are about to change within the next few days. Yes, I did set their expectations on what’s going to happen once their baby brother is born, but I honestly don’t think they fully grasp it. Though I am confident that they will adjust very easily because I can feel how much they love their baby brother.

Anyway, before I get very emotional over here, let me share all the ups and downs of the 3rd trimester of my pregnancy:
— I love anything chocolate (chocolate bars, brownies, cookies, cake, anything really) and it’s probably the culprit why I gained so much weight. I can’t complain though… you have to give the baby what it wants, right?
— Doritos didn’t taste as good as when I wasn’t pregnant.
— Nausea still has been consistent during the entire 3rd trimester of this pregnancy.
— Movements of the baby have been felt A LOT during the last 3 months. They are definitely different from the movements I felt during the second trimester of my pregnancy. Some movements are stronger than others, and sometimes they hurt too especially when he’d kick my ribs.
— I also felt the baby’s hiccups for the first time during the 3rd trimester. Even if it’s my third pregnancy, I still find it amazing when I get to feel this.
— The kids have increasingly been excited to meet their baby brother. They have asked me to create a calendar so they can count the days before his arrival.
— My daughter constantly sings to her baby brother & my son would talk to the baby all the time expressing his wishes of his arrival soon. It really is the sweetest thing to watch.
— Cramps and back pains have been consistent during the last trimester of this pregnancy. Some days are better than others but they’re always present.
— The last month of this pregnancy has been really hard. Rib pain has started because of the baby’s position. Standing, sitting, leaning forward, laying on my right side, coughing, laughing, and sneezing hurt a lot. The only position that doesn’t hurt is laying on my left side.
— Walking, I meant waddling, has been such a struggle the last few weeks of this pregnancy. Every step I took hurts A LOT.
— I took my COVID-19 test yesterday in preparation for my induction tomorrow. It was the most uncomfortable test ever!!!
— Tomorrow, my husband and I are leaving for the hospital first thing in the morning for my induction. I need to be at the hospital by 6:30 am. I am hoping before the day ends, I will be holding my baby boy in my arms with no medical interventions. Wish me luck!!!
‘Til next time,